What Are Egnative Things Baout Traveling Abroad

If you travel for long enough you lot'll experience all these problems and more. You'll too learn that every problem has a solution. Hither are 10 of the most common travel bug and ways to avert them.

When information technology comes to travel problems, I've experienced them all!

When you commit to a life of travel y'all accept to accept that it won't always be a shine operation. Some trips go perfectly without a single problem, but many don't. Some things yous can set up for, others you just have to react to.

The best solution to most travel issues is grooming. Sometimes you'll need to be creative and resourceful with your solutions but this is besides one of the joys of traveling.

You lot can't gear up for every eventuality, merely no problem is insurmountable.

While the situations and specific circumstances may differ, there are common problems that happen to all travelers eventually.

We'll discuss 10 of the almost common travel problems and ways to avert them.

ten mutual travel problems and their solutions

1. Getting lost

Travel problems: getting lost

Some people accept fantastic spatial awareness, others not so much, but most people have got lost at least one time in their life. Information technology can exist a horrible feeling — your center beating faster as the panic starts to rise. You can go lost anywhere: a supermarket, aerodrome, town middle or in the wilderness.

With modern engineering this is one of the easier travel problems to avoid. In the past you'd need a map for each country. Nowadays almost anybody has a smartphone. Earlier you exit, download Google Maps and then download the offline map for whichever cities you'll exist visiting. The offline maps are tiny — normally between twenty to 50mb.

With the offline map on your phone you can browse fifty-fifty without an internet connection.

A word of warning though, this is not a foolproof program! If your battery dies the plan comes crashing down. A pen and paper may be ancient technology, just they don't require batteries. Write down your destination just in case.

The most important thing is to not panic. If y'all tin can, take a seat and take some boring breathes. Strangers are generally nice and helpful so, if information technology's safe to practice so, ask for directions. If you lot don't speak the language you tin can show them the written address (it's not advisable to wink your phone around).

ii. Getting mugged

Travel problems: getting mugged

In virtually xx years I've merely been mugged iv times. Two of them were in my hometown, minutes from my business firm.

Some countries are more dangerous than others. It'south important to bank check for any government warnings before you visit. It'due south likewise advisable to check Facebook groups and other forums for the opinions of other travelers.

A give-and-take of communication though — don't believe everything you read.

If I'd listened to equally of advice about South America I never would accept got on the airplane. I've read hundreds of horror stories nigh Brazil yet I lived there for over a year without a single problem.

At that place are lots of articles about how to stay safe when traveling, but what should you exercise if you actually become attacked?

Don't panic!

The first thing you demand to do is report it to the police. You'll demand a Criminal offence Reference Number to claim on your insurance. If you lot're traveling with Worldpackers, your host volition know the nearest police force station and be able to help you with whatsoever translation issues.

One time that's washed information technology's fourth dimension to bargain with the emotional side. After I was attacked in Chile I became quite emotional. I was attacked after leaving a bar, beaten up and robbed. For days afterwards I didn't desire to exit the hostel and I was suspicious of everyone in the street.

I questioned myself. Why me? What did I do wrong? Was it my fault?

It wasn't my fault. I was just in the incorrect place at the incorrect time. It took me a while to accept it, simply it wasn't my mistake. It wasn't personal. They didn't know me. I was merely a random tourist to target. Once I accepted that information technology was just business for them I felt a weight lift from my shoulders. That may seem dizzy, just it's an important emotional shift to make.

You're allowed to experience acrimony, rage and frustration, only y'all have to learn to let it go. They're destructive emotions. The majority of the world are awesome people. Don't let a few idiots ruin your journeying.

3. Losing your phone

Travel problems: losing your phone

This may seem similar a silly one to add to a list of travel problems. Why non a camera? Laptop? Handbag? Because near people do everything through their phone.

I had a phone stolen recently in Argentina. Without it I couldn't:

  • tell the time
  • top upward my prepay debit card
  • notice the nearest police station
  • alert my family that it had been stolen
  • access my travel e-tickets
  • cancel my contract
  • tell everyone nearly it because my translator was on my telephone

I had to use the public computer in the hostel, which and then acquired all kinds of security alerts with my online accounts. Logging in from a foreign reckoner usually requires answering boosted security questions, and and so they helpfully offering to text a code to your phone.

Not helpful when the telephone is lost!

Brand sure you:

  • know all your passwords
  • update all your account details earlier leaving
  • have a backup email address to receive those annoying security codes

This is one of the more mutual travel issues as mobile phones are big business organization all over the world. Your shiny new iPhone could be a yr'due south worth of wages for a local.

The solution is to use common sense and non wave information technology around in public. As with all valuables, keep them out of patently sight and, wherever possible, on your person or locked in a safe.

four. Getting ill

Travel problems: getting sick

Sickness comes in many forms when you're traveling.

  • Travel sickness

Travel sickness is caused when signals from your inner ear don't match up with your visual signals. For some people information technology happens every fourth dimension they travel. Others only suffer on sure types of transport. I used to detest buses. The smell of the engine and the rocking motility would cause me to agree my breath. This was a trouble for any trip longer than 30 seconds.

If you don't have travel sickness medication then at that place are a few things you can try. First I would endeavor and limit the stimulation. Looking out the window at the passing buildings fabricated me worse, so I would focus on the chair in front and focus on my breathing.

For other people the opposite is true. Distract yourself and take your mind off the feeling, either via conversation, music, counting things out the window, etc. Replace the sensory malfunction with another sensory input.

If you lot tin get admission to fresh air and a drinkable of water then hopefully yous can calm the feeling and focus on other happier thoughts.

  • Jet lag

This is one of the lesser travel problems. While many people use jet lag only to mean tired, it is an actual condition. It's caused when your natural body clock gets out of sync after crossing time zones. Your trunk still thinks information technology'southward in one case just the world is operating at a different time.

When I flew to Commonwealth of australia I was woken at 2am by the flight attendant with my dinner. A Thai green curry at 2 o'clock in the morning might sound groovy later a nighttime of partying, but not when you're stuck on a plane. For the flight staff it was the normal dinner time, but my digestive system didn't concur.

Symptoms of jet lag can include tiredness or restlessness and an disability to sleep. There are a few different approaches to getting over it. Yous can either endeavor and sleep information technology off, but this could mean missing time at the commencement of your trip. I adopt exercise. When you get to your destination attempt and be every bit active equally possible.

Go out, walk a lot, get lots of fresh air. I don't recommend alcohol equally this can mess with your trunk clock even more. If you lot arrive in the eye of the night and tin't walk around, relax. Meditate, read a book or something which doesn't involve lots of stimulation.

  • Insect bites

While some bites tin can just be itchy or a slight annoyance, others tin exist quite dangerous. If you lot're going to a place where mosquitoes or other bugs are known to bite, wrap up. Meliorate than any repellant is a layer of article of clothing. If you lot do get bitten endeavor not to scratch. Easier said than done, just this can lead to worse problems.

I am a magnet for biting insects, from fire ants in Costa rica to mbutu in Paraguay to mosquitoes anywhere in the world. When I step off the plane, it's insect party time. I ever carry a good, not-toxic repellant plus some essential oils to treat the itching for when I do get bitten.

It's also important to know the active times for the insects. They vary around the world so get local advice, but most mosquitoes are agile from dusk and dawn. Attempt to avoid being out at these times. If yous are, make sure you're covered upward or wearing a skillful repellant.

If you get bitten and start to feel sick, seek medical advice immediately.

  • Sunburn

Even if it's cloudy, wearable protector! Check the weather conditions before you travel and especially the UV levels. A cloudy heaven can still produce dangerous levels of UV, and that's what does the real harm.

Utilize xxx minutes before going out and and then every two hours after. If you're swimming or sweating then become crazy and do it every 60 minutes. The maxim "less is more" does NOT apply to suncream!

The effects of sunburn can be horrendous. I was unable to walk for two days afterwards thinking I was safe on a cloudy day. It felt similar I'd been hit past a car... it was accented agony for 48 hours.

If you have access to aloe vera, use it! Information technology works miracles for sunburn. If you don't have any then keep the fire cool without applying ice directly. Or even better yet, don't get sunburn! Prevention is much less painful than treatment. Sunburn is one of the travel bug with lasting effects then endeavour and avert it at all costs.

  • Food poisoning

Food poisoning is a travel problem that can strike at any moment. Symptoms can include nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting or diarrhea. If it's bad then it tin hit you inside hours of eating or drinking the contaminated thing. Anti-diarrhea tablets tin can exist a lifesaver... literally.

Before traveling anywhere I always pack toilet paper. I consider it almost as important as my passport. That may audio dramatic but I've been in some viscid situations earlier. If yous develop food poisoning and so y'all'll understand.

While I mentioned diarrhea tablets earlier I only use them as a final resort. This is your bodies fashion of clearing the contaminate from your torso. Let the trunk make clean itself. This may mean a solar day or two past the toilet, but at least y'all'll be clear afterwards.

Drink plenty of fluids simply avert dairy and alcohol. Once you beginning to experience a niggling better and so kickoff with soups or broths and build back up to solid foods.

5. Not speaking the linguistic communication

Travel problems: not speaking the language

This is a travel trouble I've lived with for years.

Non being able to communicate with the people around you tin can pb to all kinds of emotions:

  • Loneliness (see below)
  • Anger
  • Frustration
  • Determination
  • Encouragement
  • Elation

Hopefully y'all noticed how that list went from negative to positive.

While being unable to speak the local language can crusade lots of negative emotions, it can also exist the catalyst to greatness.

Body language, sign language, gestures and smiles. They are all powerful ways to communicate. Utilize every single one of them. If you're afraid of speaking new languages abroad, don't shy away from meeting new people because you don't know words. Utilize these other forms of communication equally an ice-breaker.

Written report languages as much equally you tin can before you travel. It'southward an incredible form of respect that will be appreciated worldwide if y'all make the attempt. Even if it'southward but a few words or phrases information technology will help. There are hundreds of apps, guides and language programs you can try.

The best fashion to learn a language while traveling? Speak. It can exist slow, painful or lead to lots of laughter. It all depends on what attitude you arroyo it with. While some languages are much harder to grasp than others, a lack of words is a travel problem with an easy solution.

6. Loneliness

Travel problems: loneliness

Loneliness is non one of the travel problems which affects everyone, but when it strikes information technology can be the worst problem imaginable.

There'due south no unmarried trigger. It doesn't simply affect people who suffer from low or emotional people.

No matter how strong or contained you are, loneliness can set up in and ruin your trip.

It's important to be enlightened of your feelings. A sudden change in circumstances can really change your attitude to traveling. If things offset going wrong and you lot don't address them then they can spiral out of command.

Beingness apart from loved ones for an extended menstruum of time is the classic reason, simply it tin can too be as simple as missing a birthday or having nobody to share a special moment with. These small things can add up and really weigh on your heed.

If it gets to a certain level you could exist tempted to abolish your trip and go back to your previous life. Traveling asks you to step out of your out of your comfort zone and, without enough positive reinforcement, it tin become overwhelming.

There's no easy cure for loneliness. Humans are sociable creatures by pattern then the easiest solution is to reach out. The proverb "Yous're never lone when yous're traveling" is by and large true. Unless y'all're way out in the wild so chances are you'll exist able to speak to somebody.

Speak to your Worldpackers host or other travelers.

I'one thousand not saying pour your centre out or cry on their shoulder, but you can if it helps. Depending on your emotional land information technology may just require a smile, hug or a beer with like-minded people.

If that doesn't assist then contact the Worldpackers support squad. They're all experienced travelers who've lived the travel life. They've all experienced these travel issues and can offer assurance and support. When you're traveling with Worldpackers experiences, y'all're NEVER alone.

7. Running out of coin

Travel problems: running out of money

This can be a major problem which you'll definitely want to avoid.

Unexpected things do happen though. Things interruption, unexpected charges come upward, plans alter and emergencies happen. Information technology'southward incommunicable to account for every eventuality.

Earlier you travel research the country you're visiting. You want to accept an thought of the full general cost of living so y'all can upkeep properly.

Save as much coin equally possible, and always attempt and have an emergency fund which y'all don't touch. This can be a credit card or savings account. It should have plenty money in for a return flight — that'south the concluding resort should an emergency happen and you demand to render home.

Traveling tin be expensive so make sure y'all read about how to save money while traveling, and information technology's also worth thinking about making money while you travel.

Unless you lot have a huge amount of money saved up or you've mastered how to travel on a budget, information technology can disappear quite chop-chop. The Worldpackers University has some great material about creative ways to make money while yous travel.

If you're a traveller on a upkeep, bank check out our travel hacking tips.

8. Missing a flight

Travel problems: missing a flight

This all depends on whose error it was — yours or the airline.

If information technology's your fault, there's very niggling that can exist done. 99% of the fourth dimension this is one of the travel issues with a simple solution. E'er arrive in plenty of time. If you think there's even a possibility y'all won't make information technology so bank check the rescheduling rules for your ticket. If you do miss the flight and it was all your own fault then information technology's fourth dimension to beg.

Airlines have no obligation to help yous if it was your fault.

All y'all can practice is explain to the staff in a calm, reasonable mode what happened. Don't shout at them. As emotional as you may be, information technology wasn't their fault. They're just doing their chore, so don't be rude to the airline staff.

If yous can go on the next flight, all good. If not, and you may not be able to fly for a while, information technology's fourth dimension to start thinking about the additional things yous've booked. Are yous going straight to a Worldpackers host? If so, message them and brand them aware of the situation. If you have an Airbnb, hostel or tour, do the aforementioned. Don't let the missed flying snowball and ruin everything.

If it wasn't your fault you missed the flight, now you take options.

Unlike countries have different rules. Speak to the airline staff and, once over again, be calm and reasonable. Some airlines will offering compensation, a free hotel or a gratis upgrade. Information technology all depends on the individual situation.

I missed a flying transfer in Panama and concluded upward with a complimentary stay in a 5-Star Hilton Hotel. Admittedly it was only for 5 hours, merely it was a overnice surprise.

A missed flight isn't the end of the world. Take it equally a travel lesson to larn from.

Keep reading: The most helpful 26 tips for first fourth dimension travelers

9. Baggage not arriving

Travel problems: baggage not arriving

This is one of those infuriating surprise travel problems. You lot check your bags in, go the boarding pass, enjoy the flight and then your numberless don't go far with you lot.

This happened to me and I was devastated! Luckily information technology happened on the return trip so I could just become habitation and wait for the bags to arrive. They eventually did three days later on. If it happens on the outbound flight it's a different story.

According to AirfaireWatchdog, "On boilerplate, airlines lose around two bags for every 1,000 passengers, and that includes bags that are temporarily misplaced."

That's a disturbingly high number. Certain airlines are ameliorate than others so do some research before booking your flight. Fifty-fifty with all the research in the world it's however possible to be the unlucky ane. In that location'south absolutely no way to predict it.

While you can't predict the future, you lot can be prepared.

Have a alter of wearing apparel in your carry-on luggage. I also e'er carry my toiletries bag with me. This way if my large rucksack goes missing I have something to alter into and a manner to freshen upwardly.

Information technology'south a huge inconvenience, but you can survive.

If your bags don't arrive be sure to speak with the airline staff and find out the procedure. Y'all may have to telephone them or they call you.

Some airlines deliver misplaced bags to your hostel while others need you to go and collect it. Earlier you go out the drome make sure y'all know the exact procedure, they have your details and you lot have theirs.

ten. Breaking upwards with a partner

Travel problems: breaking up with a partner

Acommon travel problemis the breakdown of relationships. As we mentioned before, travel takes y'all out of your comfort zone. This tin pb to stress and frustration. If y'all're traveling with a partner this can be magnified.

It doesn't thing if it's a girlfriend, swain, best friend or family unit member, disagreements happen. When y'all're living in each other's pockets 24/7 there are more opportunities for these disagreements to happen.

The anticipation of traveling is an incredible time. Whoever you're going with, it'southward an heady time to programme, look at photos, make bucket lists and fantasize about the incredible adventures to come up. The reality can be quite different equally you discover subconscious personality traits and different approaches to problem-solving.

My advice for traveling with a partner is to be honest and to compromise, but don't compromise your happiness.

If you really want to do something or go somewhere and the other doesn't, talk most it. The breakup of most relationships occurs when there's a lack of communication.

It may not work for all travel partners merely don't be afraid to separate and meet again a few days, weeks or months later. That brusque suspension could be the spark you need to rekindle the burn. For romantic partners I recommend brutal honesty. The second a problem arises, talk most it. Don't let anything fester.

Read my guide to couple travel for more than detailed information virtually taking your relationship on the road.

That concludes my listing of the almost common travel problems and ways to avoid them.

Every problem has a solution. If you travel for long plenty yous'll experience all 10 of these and more. Does that mean you lot should avoid traveling to avoid these bug? Absolutely not!

The benefits of travel far outweigh the negatives. In one case you lot've had these experiences you lot'll be better equipped to handle whatever life throws at yous, either on the route or back at home.

These 'problems' will make you stronger, more resourceful and much more resilient.

Happy travels!

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